It is still dark and mid winter is past, I can see the morning getting brighter as the sun slowly starts its northward trip to the Tropic of Cancer. Each year the sun plays Tag-team Latitudes and this year will be no different. Cancer to Capricorn and back, an endless continuum of seasons coming and going. It's the way we live. We are tied to the changing seasons more than we care to admit.
As each sunrise gets earlier my dogs are awakening with the earliest glimmers of sunlight and nudging me to get up as well or there will be dire consequences. This will continue until Daylight Savings Time kicks in and upsets the schedule for a week or so.
Actually, I like this time of day because very few people are awake and it is a great time to read magazines, catch up on answering emails and planning for the rest of the day.
A couple minutes later and I hear the first guns going off down in the bay. Somebody is watching the clock and I don't think it's the ducks. We'll go down later for some training but now it's time for relief, coffee and breakfast.