Saturday, January 16, 2010

The cold weather has let up for a few days, so Maggie, Sport & I went down to the nearby fields for a short training session. We had not been out training since Thanksgiving and it was time.
As always Sport showed his usual enthusiasm to get out and bring back the bumpers. The field was short grass, the snow had melted everywhere except under the northern shade of some of the firs and in one or two remnants of the drifted snow. It was hard ice and crystalline. There were spots of mud.
200 yards away was the gaggle of hundreds of geese that had come in and more were starting to collect in the field, they were looking for grass. This was a mixture of resident and migratory geese. I had not been to these fields for some time and can see that the geese have been using it as a big rest stop.
I met two others from the group and we threw some quick series of singles and a few doubles for each dog. Singles first for each dog, then singles and 2 doubles. Nothing fancy, we wanted to push the dogs further out with each bumper to get them to move greater distances from the line. Then we turned to another area and pushed their limits in another direction. All the dogs did well. No playing with the bumpers on the retrieve, though the temptation to stop and savor the goose shit was a problem.