Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saturday and Sunday were picture perfect November days. The training group met in the afternoon of each day and the temperature was in the 60's, the sky was blue and there was little wind. There were a few walkers on Saturday but they moved out quickly. The only people who walk on the nearby trails are people with sporting dogs anyway so they understand.
8 handlers showed up at the fields with both puppies and dogs. I can see that we may have to break into two groups to set up one place for the older dogs where we can set up multiple marks and blinds and have another area for short sessions with the puppies. This way neither will interfere with the other and once the puppies have had their 10 minutes or so the handlers can return to help the older dogs.
Sport did not go out Saturday because one of the folks noticed that his tail was hanging and his hind quarters were stiff. That must have been from the water on Friday. Today he moved his tail and went out for the birds, not the bumpers. More drills.

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